Monday, September 17, 2012

Color Palette - Fall Emerald

Will you believe me if I told you I forgot to blog pretty much all last week?
Okay... maybe I didn't forget... I was SUPER busy with work.

But it's Monday, and Monday means Color Palette day,
which has quickly become one of my favorite blogging days.
To be able to share a beautifully inspirational picture with you
along with colors that flow (or at least I think so) so perfectly together.

Today, I get to share my favorite color of all time with you...Emerald Green.
I blame the movie Return to Oz for my obsession with Emerald...
or maybe I blame Tinkerbell or The Great Gatsby.
All are scene stealing with the emphasis on Emerald.


Because Shanna Said So said...

This is such a fun weekly post!! Love it! And emerald, yes please...maybe I am biased because it's my birthstone! ;) Gorg colors in this palette! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Happy to be a new reader!

Mimi said...

i love this color palette!!! emerald green is one of my absolute favorite colors!!! :D

<3, Mimi
Spirit Ink Tattoos Giveaway
Too Much Soul Giveaway

Iris said...


I stumbled across your blog from "Life of a Pint-Sized Mama". My name is Iris as well and so your button quickly caught my eye. I don't meet people with the same name like me to often!

By the way... I love the above outfit. I would totally wear that!


The Blue Birdhouse